
Active SMART Monitor requires certain system drivers to be installed to function correctly. Windows 95/98/ME requires that SMARTVSD.VXD be installed and registered. This can be accomplished by allowing the installer to do it automatically by choosing typical setup. You can also copy the SMARTVSD.VXD file from the Windows 95/98 CD Rom to the Windows\System\Iosubsys directory. You will have to reboot the system.

When Active SMART Monitor is to be used to monitor SCSI drives or RAID arrays, the WINASPI driver must be loaded and started on both Windows 95/98/ME and Windows NT machines. The ASPI driver handles communications between the SCSI controller and the system. The driver is NOT normally required for Hard Disk Drives to function if no other SCSI devices are present. If the WINASPI Driver is not installed Active SMART will not be able to monitor the S.M.A.R.T. Alerts issued by the drive, nor will drive information be displayed. All other functions of Active SMART are not affected. You can download WinASPI driver from Adaptec website:

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